| Inverted Pentagram Symbolizes the morning star, a name Satan has taken. Used in witchcraft and occult rituals to conjure up evil spirits. Satanists use it 2 points up and pagans use it one point up. Any way it is used symbolizes evil. It matters not if two points are up or one. It matters not if it has a circle around it. It still is a symbol of Satan. |
 | Baphomet Unique to Satanism. A demonic deity and symbolic of Satan. Can be seen as jewelryIt is also now being used by the masons. It can be seen on their buildings and the emblems the put on their vehicles to identify each other. |
 | Pentagram Symbol used in Witchcraft. Represents the elements, earth, wind, fire and water with the spirit surrounding them. |
 | Hexagram- It is one of the most potent symbols used in the working of the powers of darkness. Used to work magic. I get a lot of mail on this one. Satanism takes and perverts Christian symbols. It is satanic when used in an Occult setting with a circle around it. |
 | Ankh -Symbolizes fertility rites and the building up of lust within a person. A spirit of Lust is the power of this union of male /female representations. Also called the Long Life Seal. |
 | Swastika or Sun Wheel -An ancient religious symbol used long before Hitler came to power. It was used in Buddhist inscriptions, Celtic monuments and Greek coins. In sun god worship, it is supposed to represent the sun's course in the heavens. |
 | Tau Cross - Symbol of the god Mathras of the Persians and the Aryans of India. To them, Mathras was an "angel of light" or the "heavenly light". It is used in modern Masonry under the symbol of the T square. |
 | Italian Horn - Other names....Unicorn horn and Leprechaun staff. Introduced by the Lord Druids of Scotland and Ireland. It is associated with good luck and good fortune. It is also used to ward off "Maluka" or the "Evil Eye". It also means satan will take care of your finances. |
 | All seeing Eye - Believed to be the eye of Lucifer and those who claim control of it have control of world finances. Used in divination. Hexes, curses, psychic control and all corruption are worked through this emblem. This one is a symbol of the Illuminati. Look at U.S. currency. |
 | Upside Down Cross - Symbolizes mockery and rejection of Jesus. Necklaces are worn by many satanist's. It can be seen on Rock singers and their album covers. |
 | Zodiac - Used in satanic and occult worship. Practitioners are acknowledging their god as Baal or Lucifer. Horoscope signs are included |
 | Goat Head - The horned goat, goat of mendes, Baphomet, god of the witches, the scapegoat. It's a Satanists way of mocking Jesus as the "Lamb" who died for our sins. |
 | Cross of Nero - Or Peace sign. Another sign that mocks the cross of Jesus. Also know as "The Dead Man Rune". It appears on the tombstones of some of Hitler's SS troops. |
 | Yin-Yang - In Chinese philosophy, two great opposite principles or forces on whose interplay everything depends. Yang is male, light and positive, Yin is female , dark and negative. |
 | Scarab Beetle - The dung beetle which is the Egyptian symbol of reincarnation. It is also a symbol of of Beelzebub, Lord of the flies (satan). Worn by occultists to show that they have power and is a source of protection. |
 | Satanic "S" - Represents a lightning bolt that means "Destroyer". In mythology, It was the weapon of Zeus. Worn to have power over others. Also was worn by the feared SS of Nazi Germany. |
 | Satanic Cross - Upside down question mark that questions the Deity of God. Within the occult it is the representation of the three crown princes; Satan, Belial and leviathan. Symbolizes complete power under Lucifer. |
 | Udjat - or all seeing eye. one of few symbols referring to Lucifer (king of hell), whom it is though will pass judgment. Below the eye is a tear because he mourns for those outside his influence. |
 | Star and Crescent - Represents the moon goddess Dianna and the "son of the morning", the name of Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12. Witchcraft uses it the way shown and Satanism turns it in the opposite direction. |
 | Anarchy - Means to abolish all laws. In other words "do what thou wilt" the law of Satanists. Used by Punk rockers and Heavy Metal followers. |
 | Horned God Represents the horned god of witchcraft. Pan or Cernunnos. Note the thumb under the fingers and given by the right hand. |
 | Horned Hand - The sign of recognition between those in the Occult. When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse. Note the thumb over the fingers and given by the left hand. |
 | Witch Sign or Moon Sign Used to salute the rising moon. Also used by surfers and football teams |
 | 666 -The number of man. The mark of the Beast. Revelation |
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