
NEW 6-11-15 Renunciation of Hinduism

Renunciation of Hinduism
Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me and all members of my ancestral line for all ungodly beliefs in Hinduism and its philosophies, for all Hindu idolatry, and for all ungodly practice of Hinduism and its disguised offshoots: forgive us for obtaining knowledge illegally through ungodly Hindu sources, for practicing sorcery and witchcraft, and for making ungodly sacrifices to the false gods of Hinduism.
Nine Core Beliefs of Hinduism
(1) All pervasive divinity
Heavenly Father I repent for and renounce the worship of and all covenants that my ancestors or I made with the ungodly trinity—Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer.
On behalf of myself and my family line I repent for believing or saying,
“I have no qualities, I am without activity and destitute of option,
Changeless, eternal, formless, without taint, forever free, forever without stain.
I, like the boundless ether, permeate the universe within, the universe without,
Abiding always, forever similar in all – perfect, immovable,
Without affection, existence, knowledge, undivided bliss,
Without a Second
The Supreme Eternal, That am I.[1]
On behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for believing or saying,
Brahma, primal motive force is my womb;
in that I place the seed;
Thence, O Arjuna, is the birth of all beings!
Whatever forms are produced, in all the wombs,
the great Brahma is their womb
and I am the seed-giving father.[2]
Lord, please disconnect me from the heart and womb of Brahma, and from ungodly seed and seed-giving entities. I repent for all who allowed ungodly incarnations of gods within the human consciousness, within me. Lord please disconnect me from all ungodly avatars.
On behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for believing or saying,
“The knower catches in the ecstasy of his heart
the full light of that Brahman (that Divine Essence)
which is indescribable—all pure bliss, incomparable,
transcending time, ever free, beyond desire.”

Lord please disconnect us from the light of Brahman and from all ungodly light sources.

(2) Hindu sacred texts

On behalf of myself and my family line I repent for using the Hindu sacred texts as our source and direction. I renounce all ungodly invitations from, guidance by, and connections to the ungodly spiritual realities behind these texts.
On behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for all believing or saying,

“Oh mind, the greatest bird,
Play in the cage of the two lotus feet of Sankara,
In the tree with the Vedas as branches,
With the Upanishads as the top,
With fruits which destroy pain and whose juice is nectar.” [4]
Lord please remove us and our minds from ungodly trees, birds, fruits and cages. Please disconnect us from the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and from Sankara.

(3) Wheel of Life

On behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for and renounce all beliefs in the repeated cycles of creation, preservation and destruction of this universe. I renounce the cyclic world view represented by the ungodly wheel of time or kalachakra.
Please forgive us for believing that

“This wheel of life is associated with pairs of opposites and devoid of consciousness;
That man who always understands accurately the motion and stoppage of this wheel of life,
Is never seen to be deluded, among all creatures.
Freed from all impressions, divested of all pairs of opposites, released from all sins,
He attains to the highest goal.[5]
On behalf of myself and my family, I repent for believing or saying,
Know the Self who alone is to be known,
He in whom these sixteen parts rest,
– the spokes of the hub of the wheel of life,
Lest death should hurt you ![6]
I renounce the belief that the supreme self is at the center of the wheel of life and that achieving this self is the goal that goes beyond death. Lord please disconnect me and my family from the kalachakra, the ungodly wheel of time and its cycles.

(4) Karma

I repent for and renounce all beliefs in karma, the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his thoughts, words, and deeds.
I repent for and renounce all false beliefs in karma as the deeds related to the cycle of cause and effect, action and reaction, that my future and my destiny is determined by all my actions in this life and my previous lives. I repent for striving through self-effort to free myself of negative Karma and trying to make my destiny better through mantra, meditation and positive deeds.
On behalf of myself and my family line I repent for believing or saying,
“As blazing fire reduces wood to ashes, O Arjuna,
So does the fire of self-knowledge reduce all Karma to ashes.”[7]

Lord please forgive us for believing that shaping ourselves to circumstances according to our karma is the only way to acquire happiness.

(5) Samsara – Reincarnation

On behalf of myself and my generational line, I repent for and renounce all false beliefs in the principle of reincarnation or samsara, that after death, my soul transmigrates into a new body and I come back to earth.
I renounce the belief that through our individual choices, we can resolve karma, attain moshka or liberation, and realize God, thus ending this cycle of death and rebirth. I renounce the belief that my soul is on a cosmic journey meant for its purification and that it manifests a body again and again 8.4 million times until it is purified.
I repent for everyone in my family line who said or believed that our desires for earthly objects chained us to rounds of births and deaths and that moksha, or freedom from this cycle, comes from renunciation of desires.
On behalf of myself and my family I repent for all who believed and said,
As man casts off worn-out garments and puts on other which are new,
Similarly the embodied soul, casting off worn-out bodies,
Enters into others which are new.”[8]

I repent for myself and all in my family line who accepted the cycle of death and rebirth as inevitable for us.

(6) Trimurti, Devas, Mahadevas – Trinity, Gods, Great Gods

I repent for and renounce all beliefs in, worship of, service to and covenants made with the Hindu celestial beings – the devas, the ungodly sons of God, the mahadevas and the evil trinity or Trimurti. Lord please disconnect me from these.

(7) Satguru – Teacher

I repent for believing that an enlightened master or satguru is essential to guide my soul to self realization.
On behalf of myself and my family, I renounce,
“[Bowing] before the sacred footwear of my teacher,
Who taught me the meaning of “OM”.


(8) Ahimsa – Non violence

I repent for and renounce any ungodly practices of non-injury to all creatures – ahimsa – that reveres creation above the true Creator.

(9) Moksha – Salvation

I repent for and renounce the belief that there is not a single way to salvation and that all spiritual paths are acceptable.


I repent for and renounce the belief that dharma is the aim of existence and that observing dharma will lead to attainment of jnana, or higher religious knowledge and to bhakthi, or union with God through devotion.
I repent for and renounce the belief that moksha is achieved by the observation of dharma, fulfilling one’s assigned duty and moral obligation to society according to one’s position in life. I renounce all belief that I am obliged by duty to accept my current place in society without hope for reward or change. I renounce all belief that men attain salvation by faithfully following predetermined paths of duty. Lord please remove the effects that these constraints had on me that I may enter into my birthright and inheritance in You.
I repent for and renounce all the practices of bhakti, or devotion to god and the gods of Hinduism, so that the atman, or individual soul and spirit can merge with Brahman or universal consciousness and allow the realization of moksha.

On behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for believing or saying,
“One who serves Me with unwavering devotion, at once
transcends the three-strand cord of creation, preservation and destruction
and becomes fit to attain oneness with Brahman.”[9]

Four Basic Sects of Hinduism

Lord, please forgive me and my ancestors for all practices of the four main denominations associated with Hinduism: for Saivism and the worship of Siva; for Shaktism and the worship of Shakti; for Vaishnavism and the worship of Vishnu; and for Smartism and the worship of one of the six deities, Ganapati, Surya, Vishnu, Siva, Shakti, and Kumara. Lord please disconnect me from these entities.


I renounce and repent for all worship of and covenants made with Shiva as the highest Supreme Self or Brahman, the All and in All, the Destroyer and Transformer of the Trinity and as Father God, who causes the continuous cyclic process of creation, preservation, dissolution and recreation of the universe. I repent for worship of Shiva and the phallic Shiva Lingam as the source of the universe, as static, unmanifested consciousness in the transcendental plane. I repent for believing that Siva is within and for all striving to be one with the Siva within.
Lord I repent for all worship of and covenants made with Shiva in any and all manifestations including the following:[10] Nataraja,  Lord of the Dance; Dakshinamurthy, Shiva facing south and teacher of yoga, music and wisdom; Sadashiva,  Eternal Shiva; Parameswara, Shiva on Mount Kailash; Paramasiva, the highest, Maheswara, Lord of the manifest universe; Saguna Brahman, Cosmic Lord of Creation, Maintenance, Destruction; Iswara or Rudra, the Destroyer; Shankara, the doer of good; Nilakantha, blue necked; Bholenath, innocent God; Hanuman, monkey god; Dakshinamurthy, guru;  Pasupati, Lord of the Animals; Indra, regent of the East; Vishveshwara, Lord of the Universe; Sarveshwara, Shiva Lingam; Prajapati, lord of creatures. Lord please disconnect me and my family from all these entities.
Lord I repent for all worship of and covenants made with Siva in his various tantric manifestations such as Bhairava, the wrathful, the fierce manifestation of Shiva, the embodiment of fear; Virabhadra, the wrath of Shiva; Mahakaleswar, Lord of Time and Death;  Tripurantaka, the archer; Vastospati, the guardian of the dwelling; Agni, the fire god;  Vayu, the wind god; Ardhnarishwara, half Shiva and half Shakti; Ganesha, lord of obstacles; Murugan, god of war; Subramaniam, the god of war. Lord please declare these covenants broken and disconnect me and my family from all these forms of Shiva. Lord please annul any marriage covenants between my family line and Shiva.
On behalf of myself and my family I repent for believing or saying,

He alone at the proper time, is the guardian of this world, 
The lord of all, hidden in all beings,
In him are united the gods and knowers of Brahman alike.
He who knows him cuts the fetters of death asunder.
He who knows Siva, the blessed, hidden in all beings 
Like the subtle film that rises from out the clarified butter,
Alone enveloping everything,
He who knows the god is freed from all fetters.[11]
On behalf of myself and my family, I repent for believing or saying,
“Lord Shiva is seated on Mount Kailash;
His forehead is adorned with the moon and the king of serpents as a crown.
The lord is the ocean of mercy and the remover of illusion.
Shiva is the only protector.
I surrender myself to such great Lord Shiv-Shankar.”[12]
I repent for and renounce the mantra Aum Namah Sivaya, Sadyojata, Vamadeva, Aghora, Tatpurusa, Isana. Lord please disconnect me from its sounds.

(2) Shaktism

Heavenly Father, on behalf of myself and my family line I repent for and renounce all false worship of and covenants made with the entity Shakti – the Supreme Energy of Shiva, the ungodly feminine, creative and dynamic energy in the physical plane and all other planes. Lord I repent for those who tapped into the matrix of energy, the Goddess Power. Lord please disconnect me from ungodly matrices.
Lord, I repent for and renounce all worship of and covenants made with Shakti in her various manifestations:  Divine Mother, Goddess, Supreme Mother of the Universe; Adi Parashakti, Original Source of the Universe; Devi, goddess; Lalitha, goddess of bliss; Tripura Sundari, goddess who is beautiful in  three realms; Parvathi or Uma,divine Shakti, consort of Shiva; Saraswati,goddess of knowledge; Lakshmi, goddess of wealth; Gayatri, Mother of Mantras; Ganga, goddess as Divine River; Sita, Rama’s consort and goddess of marital relations;Radha, Krishna’s consort; Sati ; Meenakshi, avatar of Parvati; Bhuvaneshwari, world mother; Kumari, virgin; Bagalamukhi, hypnotic power of the goddess who paralyzes enemies; Kamala the lotus goddess. Lord, please disconnect me from all these.
Lord, for myself and my family line, I repent for and renounce all worship of and covenants made with Shakti in her various tantric manifestations such as Shakias Kali, goddess of cosmic destruction and eternal night; Badrakali,auspicious Kali; Bhavani, source of creative energy; Chinnamasta, goddess who cuts off her own head; Durga or Ambika, the invincible; Bhairavi, fierce goddess of decay; Dhumavati, who widows herself; Matangi, the outcast goddess, the goddess of pollution; Tara, the protector and guide.
Lord, please disconnect us from Kali as mother-goddess, Black Time, devourer of time, personification of manifest time and the color black. Lord please disconnect me from the ten forms of Kali known as Mahavidyas. Lord please disconnect time from Kali. Lord please remove all ungodly connections between Kali and my timeline, between me and Kali Yuga or Age of Kali. Lord please remove all dakinis and other tantric consorts from me and my family line. Lord please destroy all ungodly Kali time rifts connected to me and my generational line. Lord please annul any marriage covenants between my family line and Kali.
I repent for all agreement with goddess power, for saying that the feminine is the dominant power of the universe and for all goddess focused spiritual practices, mantras, yantras, nyasa, mudra and yogas.
Lord in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, on behalf of me and my family I renounce the aspect of Shakti called Kundalini, serpent power, and ungodly mystic fire. I repent for all ungodly contact with this spirit. I repent for and renounce all practices that would awaken, invite or allow the presence or activity of  the sleeping goddess Kundalini in any way. I renounce and repent for accepting the ungodly blessing of a Siddha-guru, for all tantric sexual rites and for all tantric practices of Shakta yoga and Kundalini yoga that awaken this serpent power and make it ascend through the psychic centers, the chakras that lie along the axis of the spine as consciousness centers.
Lord please disconnect me from union of Shakti and Shiva above the crown or sahasrara chakra of my head . I repent for everything to do with any fusion of the ungodly absolute, attempting a union of the individual with the universe. Lord please remove from me all ungodly cosmic vibrations and radiant energies. Lord please restore godly chemistry and righteous elements of my body. Lord please separate me from Kundalini and from all ungodly coiled serpents.
Lord on behalf of myself and my family line I repent for practicing kundalini as a translocal vibration allowing Shakti to change the space-time continuum of my body-mind.  I repent for bartering for and seeking the vibration to change our body-minds, to create a cinmaya or light body endowed with transcendent and supernatural powers. Lord please remove all abilities from my family line which came to us through ungodly sources.
Father, for myself and my family line, I renounce all declarations, affirmations, proclamations and beliefs about Shakti as divinity.  I repent for identifying Shakti in any pantheistic way with any aspect of Your creation. Please forgive us for confusing Creator with creation and thinking that Shakti could ever encompass any aspect, good and evil of Your creation. Please cleanse us of her influence.
Lord on behalf of myself and my family, I repent for and renounce for believing or saying,
“This whole universe is interwoven in me.
I am the Supreme Controller in causal bodies,
The Stream of Consciousness and the Golden Womb in subtle bodies,
The Universal Soul in external bodies.
I am Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva,
I am the Brahma, Vaisnavi and Raudri Saktis.
I am the Sun, I am the Moon, I am the Stars.
I am the Beasts, Birds, Outcasts,
And I am the thief, I am the cruel hunter;
I am the virtuous, high-souled persons.
I am Female, I am Male, and I am Hermaphrodite.”[13]

Lord, I repent for use of the occult Shaktism symbol Shri Chakra Yantra, the tantric symbol of cosmic unity as the junction point between the physical universe and its unmanifest source.
Lord please disconnect me and my family from the Shri Chakra Yantra and all its mantras, rituals and sounds; disconnect us from all metaphysical and geometrical constructs that correspond to the psychic centers of the subtle body. Lord please disconnect us from ungodly lotus flowers, instruments, machines, geometries, swastikas, from ungodly circles as the energy of water,  ungodly squares and the energy of earth, ungodly triangles and the energy of fire, ungodly lines, and the energies of air, water, fire, and all ungodly points and ungodly energy of ether. I repent for and renounce all Shamanic Shaktism and the use of magic, trance, mediumship, fire-walking and animal sacrifice for healing, fertility, prophecy and power.
Lord please disconnect me from ungodly positioning of planets, precious stones, metals, alloys. Lord please remove anything in me born of Shakti and any ungodly union of Shiva and Shakti in me or in anything godly connected to me. Lord, please cleanse all the connectors in my body.
For myself and my family I repent for believing or saying,
“Only when united with Shakti
has Lord Shiva the power
To create the universe
Without her, he cannot move.”
On behalf of myself and my family I repent for all who believed or said,
“At the dissolution of things, it is Kala Who will devour all,
And by reason of this He is called Mahakala,
And since Thou devourest Mahakala Himself,
It is Thou who art the Supreme Primordial Kalika.
Because Thou devourest Kala, Thou art Kali, the original form of all things,
And because Thou art the Origin of and devourest all things Thou art called the Adya.
Resuming after Dissolution Thine own form, dark and formless,
Thou alone remainest as One ineffable and inconceivable.
Though having a form, yet art Thou formless;
Though Thyself without beginning, multiform by the power of Maya,
Thou art the Beginning of all, Creatrix, Protectress, and Destructress that Thou art.”[15]
For myself and my family I repent for and renounce the mantra Aum Chandikayai Namah. Lord please disconnect us from its sounds.

(3) Vaishnavism

On behalf of myself and all in my family line I repent for and renounce all worship of and covenants made with Vishnu and his various manifestations: Vishnu as the Supreme God, Preserver of the Universe, All-Pervading essence of all beings, the master of—and beyond—the past, present and future, the creator and destroyer of all existences, one who supports, sustains and governs the Universe and originates and develops all elements within.
Father, I ask you to forgive us—for You alone are God, our Creator, and You alone uphold the universe by the word of Your power. FF Father, I repent for attributing to Vishnu anything of Your character or attributes and anything of the person, purpose, and authority of Your only son, Jesus Christ.
On behalf of myself and my family I repent for all who believed that in each age, whenever evil prevails over good, Vishnu comes down to earth in some mortal form to save righteousness. I repent for all practice of prapatti, single-pointed surrender to Vishnu or His ten or more incarnations, called avatars. Lord I repent for all worship of the avatars: Matsya the fish, Kurma the tortoise, Varaha the boar; Narasimha, half-lion, half-man, Vamana the dwarf, Parashurama or Rama with the axe, Rama the perfect man, Krishna the lover, Balarama the broker of Krishna and the coming avatar, Kalki as Eternity or Time.
On behalf of myself and my family I repent for believing or saying,
I am the Goal, the Sustainer, the Lord, the Witness, the Abode,
the Refuge, the Friend, the Origin, the Dissolution,
the Resting-Place, the Storehouse and the Eternal Seed.”[16]
On behalf of myself and my family I repent for believing or saying,
“I bow to Lord Vishnu, the Master and Controller of the Universe,
Identical with the sun, Destroyer of all-destroying Time itself;
He that upholds the earth in space;
He is the food which supports the life of living creatures;
He that has incarnated on earth a hundred times,
To rescue the good, destroy the wicked and establish righteousness
He that leads us safely across the ocean of life;.”[17]
Lord please disconnect us from Vishnu, Seshnaga, Narayana, Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Balarama, Kalki, Adinath, Hrishikesh, Badrinath.
I repent for and renounce the mantra Aum Namo Narayanaya. Lord please disconnect me from its sounds. Father, I renounce all beliefs and practices regarding the saints, scriptures, and temple worship connected to Vishnu and his incarnations. Father, cleanse me completely of Vaishnavism.

(4) Smartism

Father, on behalf or myself and my familyI repent for all worship of Adi Shankara. I repent for belief in and practice of the philosophies of Advaita Vedanta.
On behalf of myself and my family I repent for believing or saying
Brahman is the One, the only reality, that this universe is unreal; and that the individual soul is the same as Brahman.
– The Atman or soul is self-evident and cannot be denied because it is the very essence of the one who denies it.
-Brahman is not an object, as it is beyond the reach of senses or intellect. It is infinite, imperishable, impersonal, self-existent, self-delight, self-knowledge, self-bliss and essence—the essence of the knower. It is the silent witness, always the witnessing subject, never an object as it is beyond the reach of the senses. Brahman is non-dual and has no other beside it.
– Brahman has neither form nor attributes. The essence of Brahman is existence, consciousness and bliss or Sat-Chit-Ananda.
-The world is not absolutely false but is relatively false compared to Brahman who is absolutely real. The world is a superimposition of non-Self or objects on Self or Brahman.
– The individual soul is only relatively real. There are not several atmans or souls. The one soul appears as multiple souls in our bodies because of illusion.
-Samsara or duality exists due to ignorance, knowledge alone can make an individual realize his true nature.
– Knowledge of Brahman is not about acquiring external knowledge as Brahman cannot be known, but about removing the ignorance and illusion. When these are removed there is no difference between soul and Brahman.
I repent for the belief that to be saved I have to be able to discern between the real substance (Brahman) and the substance that is unreal.[18]
I repent for the belief that to be saved I have to renounce enjoyments of objects in this world and the other worlds.
I repent for the belief that to be saved I have to have the six-fold qualities of tranquility of the mind, control of external sense organs, focusing on meditation and refraining from actions, endurance of suffering, faith in Guru and Vedas, the concentration of the mind.
I repent for the belief that to be saved I have to have the firm conviction that the nature of the temporary world is misery and have an intense longing to be liberated from the cycle of births and deaths.
I repent for myself and my family for believing or saying
“A particle of Its bliss
supplies the bliss of the whole universe.
Everything becomes enlightened in Its light.
All else appears worthless after a sight of that essence.
I am indeed of this Supreme Eternal Self”[19]

Lord please remove me from all that is not me and reestablish my godly boundaries. Lord please remove me from the ungodly depths and seat me with Jesus Christ in Your heavenly places.

Vedic Cosmology

In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce and repent for all belief in and connections to ungodly Vedic cosmology. Lord please remove all parts of me that are trapped in the seven lower lokas or worlds and please disconnect me from Sutala, Vitala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala, Atala, and Patala – Deepest Hell and the serpents or Nagas and demons there.
On behalf of myself and my generational line, I repent for believing or saying,
”The four chakra triangles of Shiva,
The five chakra triangles of Shakti

Are the nine of the primal energy of the universe
All apart from the circle center
With a lotus of eight petals, one of sixteen petals,
The three circles and three lines,
Remain a total of forty four –

The angles of Your sacred abode of the wheel”[20]
 Lord please disconnect us from all the ungodly wheels, petals, circles, lines and angles of the Sri Chakra Yantra. Please disconnect us from ungodly Mount Meru. Please disconnect us from the ungodly union of the Masculine and Feminine Divine and all ungodly webs of the universes and wombs of creation. Lord please disconnect us from ungodly geometries and portals.
Lord please disconnect us from the cosmic dance of Shiva, the tandava that is the source of the cycles of creation, preservation and dissolution, salvation and illusion and the rhythm of birth and death. Lord please remove us from the rhythms, violence, grief and anger associated with these ungodly cycles.
On behalf of myself and my family I repent for those who meditated on the goddess Kalika in the trikona, in the six petals the six limbs, in the navel the Shaktis of the directions, in the heart the twelve suns, in the throat the sixteen kalas of the moon, in the two-petalled lotus Kala and Kali together. Lord please would You disconnect us from ungodly trikonas, suns, phases of the moon, lotuses.
On behalf of myself and my family I repent for worshipping the Hindu deities of time and for believing or saying,
“I  worship you Shani – you are the essence of time!
The universe and time itself dissolves in you!
You are the body of time, the self,  the Source of Happiness,
the Soul that regulates time, the planetary guardians!”[21]
Lord please disconnect us from the ungodly Shani[22] and its cycles. Please remove the destruction associated with Shani. Lord please restore godly time, space, and the dimensions. Lord, please remove ungodly time locks and time references. Please restore my timeline and restore my origin to You.

Renunciations For Hindu Practices

In the name of Jesus of Nazareth I forgive anyone who released curses connected to Hinduism against me or my family. Lord please remove all  curses, backup curses, time curses, re-empowerment of curses and negative consequences that may come against me or my family line for breaking covenant with Hindu entities.
On behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for and renounce all beliefs in and participation of the ungodly division of society into four social classes and castes[23] I repent for and renounce the historical exclusion from the caste system of the untouchables or dalits.
On behalf of myself and my family line, I deeply repent for and renounce all discrimination, oppression, and abuse that we have practiced on our fellow men because of the caste system.
I repent for and renounce the belief every person is born into and must marry, live, and die within their caste. Lord please remove the effects in my life of the rigid limitations of the caste rules in determining my food, occupation, marriage and association with people in other castes. Lord please remove all ungodly boundaries, barriers and ceilings in my life.
On behalf of any ancestors who were oppressed because of the caste system, I forgive those who discriminated against us and oppressed us because of the color of our skin and our caste.
I repent for and renounce all practices of child-marriage, dowry, sati or self-immolation of a woman on her husband’s funeral pyre.
Lord, for myself and my family, I renounce and repent for all ungodly gender inequalities we have agreed with. I repent for those in my generational line who have degraded, oppressed, suppressed, humiliated, murdered, and raped women. Father, will you please break off the ungodly consequences of domination and victimization and restore the women in my family to their equal status in the family of God. Please restore the inheritance, property, position, status, and gifting of all the women in my generational line.
Lord, please disconnect us from all victim spirits related to discrimination due to caste or gender.
On behalf of myself and my family line I repent for believing or saying,
“The syllable AUM is both the higher and the lower Brahma
He who meditates on the highest Person with the three elements of the syllable AUM,
is united with brilliance in the Sun

As a snake is freed from its skin, even so, is he freed from sin
And led to the world of Brahma.”[24]

 On behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for and renounce all ungodly uses of our bodies in and during false worship, including all forms of idol worship: dedication to idols, bowing to idols, icon worship, daily darshan or viewing of idols, eating food sacrificed to idols as well as eating prasada or food offered to idols. I repent for maintaining home shrines for idols, visiting and worshipping in temples of idols, participating in festivals, making temple offerings, viewing or participating in ungodly processions, pilgrimages, dramas, and story-telling associated with idols. I also repent of ungodly fasting, self-mutilation, whipping, singing, dancing, wearing special clothing, and chanting that is linked to idolatry.
On behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for and renounce other ungodly uses of our bodies during false worship including temple prostitution yoga, fornication, ritual sex, sex with animals, sex with demons, with the dead, ungodly masturbation, pedophilia, same-sex relations, and viewing of sexual imagery in sculptures, books, dance, or movies.
On behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for and renounce all ungodly uses of my soul during false worship including being in ecstatic states, reading and studying the false scriptures, and false meditation.
On behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for and renounce all ungodly use of my spirit during false worship including astral travel, inhabiting the bodies of other people, all shamanic practices, shape-shifting and forming ungodly communications and ties with the second heaven and with false deities, false priests, and other people.
I repent for and renounce all ungodly openings of the eye of my spirit, my pineal gland, my third eye. I pray that you will shut down any ungodly opening of my third eye and seal it with your Holy Spirit.
On behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for and renounce all false worship of the elements including stone, wood, water, fire, air, and ether. I repent for and renounce all ungodly worship of the sun, moon, and any other heavenly bodies. I repent for all witchcraft, animal sacrifices, people and child sacrifices, all necromancy, blood covenants, drinking of blood, eating of flesh, mingling of blood, and communication with the dead.
I repent for and renounce ungodly use of ungodly Vedic calendars, based upon illegal mystical knowledge of equinoxes and solstices. I repent for and renounce the use of Vedic astrology to determine decisions and propitious times for public and personal ceremonies and events.
On behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for and renounce all ungodly vegetarianism, celibacy, monasticism, and asceticism practiced as Hindu religious acts.  I repent for and renounce the use of all herbal medicines in the ayur-vedic tradition that have been made by knowledge gained from the enemy.
Lord Jesus, please cleanse all pathways of my mind, my will and my emotions. Align my body, soul and spirit to You and You alone. Lord, please restore all parts of me that were lost to other dimensions. Lord, please unite all parts of me in You. Lord, please join me to You and to Your body which is the Church. Lord, I ask that You will fill me with Your Holy Spirit and guide me as I continue to walk in the healing that You have provided for me.

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