
Overturn satanic judgement against your life this week.NEW JAN 25TH

Overturn satanic judgement against your life this week.CAN USE ONCE EVERY WEEK AS LIKE OR WHEN YOU FEEL ITS NEEDED

Whenever you begin to realize that bad judgement, false accusations and condemnations are out against you. Maybe at home, at workplace and among relations or friends, don’t take it lightly. Moreover when everything around you begins to turn contract to God’s Word in your life, you must also rise up quickly to fight back in the spirit before it’s too late to do something.

Pray to abort satanic operations targeted at your life and progress. Command the arrest of all satanic message's sent to carryout evil assignment against you in the spiritual realms. Rise and degree divine judgement on these agents of Satan immediately. (John 16: 5-11)
Pray these prayer arrows to expel and cast them out of your territory now.
Read these Scriptures louder, bold and in faith, before praying.
(Psalms 91: 9-10, Psalms 149: 6-10, Proverbs 24:16, Isaiah 54: 15-17, Romans 8:1-4,)

1. O Lord you are the Judge of all the earth let your righteous judgement overturn every satanic judgement against my life in the name of Jesus.
2. Let every satanic gathering against my life be scattered y fire in Jesus name.
3. Let every meeting grounds of satanic agents against my life be overthrow by fire of God now in Jesus mighty name.
4. Every satanic audience asking for my down fall received the fire of God and be scattered in Jesus name.

5. Every evil vehicle conveying my enemies to their place of meeting catch fire and burn to ashes in Jesus name.
6. In the name of Jesus I fire back every witchcraft arrows throw against me from my environment, workplace, my Household, and family and send them back to sender in Jesus name.
7. You messages of evil assigned to harm my life, today I command you to be arrested, bind and cast into the fire of God’s judgement in Jesus mighty name.
8. Let the fire of God destroy and burn to ashes all satanic argument and imaginations fashion against my life and progress in the name of Jesus.

9. You messagers of evil I break your backbone with the rod of God in Jesus name.
10. I command the host of Heaven to declare war against all agent of Satan in their hideout right now in the mighty name of Jesus.
Now begin to thank God for answering your prayer in the name of Jesus.
Spend quality time to Praise and worship the Lord of Glory till your whole body is sock in swept of Yah Jesus name 

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