
Thursday, June 17, 2021

GOD YAHUAH SAYS THIS IS WHAT SATAN SAYS ABOUT HIS CHILDREN WOW !!! Let them use our Hair not knowing it will give them Spiritual Husbands. For those who are already married, let it cause anger and bitterness in their Homes. For some of them, it will even close their womb. They will sacrifice their womb to us. Let them look exactly the way the people in our Kingdom look by painting their Faces. They belong to my Kingdom! Hahahaahahahahaha!" Let the evil we put in the artificial hair make men lust after them and make them fornicate and desire many sins. Let them desire all the evil things of our Kingdom. Some people say you can pray for this hair and over this hair to bless it make it holy .HAHAHA but I tell you now, nothing happens when you pray for it. OR OVER IT. FOR IT IS MINES NOT FATHER GOD YAHUAH !!! BUT IT IS MINES. I LUCIFER AIM THE OWNER OF IT AND WHEN YOU SEW -GLUE- WEAVE IT IN OR SLAP IT ON YOU AND YOUR HEAD!!! YOU ARE MINES TO !!! hahaha The Lord does not want it on his Children. It is a trap from LUCIFER Satan to take people to FIRE FOR REJECTING THE NATURAL HAIR AND BEAUTY GAVE MEN AND WOMAN ROMANS 1-23 READ IT I GOD SAID !!!! Stay away from it. I AND MANY USE TO DO THESES THINGS AND use to do these things before w WE ALL knew the truth. Now we have to obey God.!!! HE SAYS ONCE AND FOR ALL OR FACE HIS WRATH IN YAH NAME BE BLESS TP ALL APOSTLE ROSALIND SOLOMON

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